Hormone Replacement Therapy
Feel better and have more energy with bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
Hormone Replacement for Men for Low Testosterone (Low T)
Male hormone replacement involves treatment with testosterone injections for low testosterone or low T or with Pellet Therapy. Any male from the age of 35 and up may suffer from low testosterone.
Potential signs of male low testosterone include:
- Low sex drive or libido
- Moodiness or depression
- Low energy
- Hair loss
- Loss of muscle mass
- Increase in body fat
- Erectile dysfunction
There is no need for any man to suffer when the treatment of low testosterone can improve the quality of your life.
Hormone Replacement Therapy for Women
Hormone replacement (HRT) is a proven way to support a woman’s well-being as she ages. Scientific evidence continues to verify the positive health effects of using HRT. Proper HRT provides support for cardiovascular and bone health in women. It can help in cutting the risk of diabetes, dementia and even breast cancer. The list of its protective effects goes on. In addition, HRT may relieve the symptoms of perimenopause and post-menopause.
Women may start experiencing symptoms that can affect their quality of life during perimenopause as estrogen levels decline. Many women experience menstrual irregularities including: shorter, longer, heavier periods. In addition, many begin to notice the onset or increased intensity of vasomotor symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats during the perimenopause.
Possible symptoms of menopause:
- Hot flashes
- Night sweats
- Irregular periods
- Vaginal dryness
- Mood changes
- Loss of memory
- Problems sleeping
- Weight gain
- Fatigue
- Heart palpitations
- Forgetfulness
- Joint soreness or stiffness
- Headaches, migraines and backaches
- Irritability
- Recurrent urinary tract infections
- Urinary urgency
- Incontinence
- Anxiety
- Depression not responsive to antidepressants
- Loss of libido

To learn more about the treatments that are right for you, contact us to schedule a personal consultation.
SCHEDULE CONSULTATIONSolutions to Hormone Replacement for Women
Why experience all of these uncomfortable and life-impacting problems when there is a solution that will alleviate many of these symptoms? Tens of thousands of women have chosen hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to alleviate the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.
Hormone replacement is now being acknowledged as a vital part of the total health picture for the aging population.
Pellet Therapy for HRT treatment truly reflects the future of medicine. Our method of hormone replacement will play a central role in supporting the longevity and quality of life for our patients. No matter what age a person may be, maintaining beneficial hormone levels will support internal balance and harmony. Treatment can help the body function optimally, encouraging healthy aging and active living.
Click here for more information on HRT Treatment for women.